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One Trade For You - Trading recommendations service 

Image de Wance Paleri

A Day By Day Group service 

"Trades in real time with One Trade For You" 

One Trade For You è un servizio gratuito di alert di trading. La nostra squadra di esperti monitora costantemente le variazioni del mercato azionario e dei mercati finanziari. La nostra missione è fornirti il momento giusto per prendere decisioni di investimento. Siamo orgogliosi del nostro impegno per l'eccellenza e l'integrità, e siamo determinati a offrirti consigli di livello professionale. 

About us

One Trade For You is a trading alert service. Our team of experts constantly monitors changes in the stock market and financial markets. Their mission is to provide you with the right timing for an investment decision. We pride ourselves on our commitment to excellence and integrity and are determined to provide you with professional advice. 


The various stock market crises that have rocked the financial world since 2000 have clearly demonstrated the ineffectiveness of the portfolio theory developed and used since the 1950s. The assumptions underlying this theory have not been verified. Numerous researchers have shown that behavioural biases prevent investors from making economically rational decisions.  

For 30 years, we have favoured methods that place the study of investors and their ‘moods’ at the heart of market dynamics. Our methodology consists of analysing what the crowd thinks and does in order to assess the risks and opportunities of investment operations.


We offer a committed analysis, which is neither communication or marketing, but consultancy. 
All the stages of our work comply with our methodology and, more generally, with the framework of independent analysis. We make a distinction between a highly objective and methodical analysis of trends and levels, and an investment recommendation that proposes a clear market positioning based on an attitude to risk. We follow our recommendations and display, transparently, the theoretical performance of the proposed investments. 



  • Equities: we cover the equities that make up the major European and US indices.

  • Indices: we systematically track more than 30 developed and emerging market indices.

  • Bonds: we track European, US and UK government bond futures.

  • Currencies: we track more than 20 different currency pairs.

  • Commodities: we track the main precious and industrial metals, energy and a wide range of agricultural products.


In addition to transparency, we have also chosen to be independent from a capital point of view: the capital of our company is made up of private investors. 
Through our partnerships, we make recommendations on financial products issued by financial institutions. In most cases, we are remunerated by our partners. We are always entirely free to choose the product's underlying, the parameters of the advice (direction, objective, stop-loss) and the selection of suitable products.

For more information, sign up 😉👇🏼

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